James Mingle

Personal Trainer

Coach Jim is an avid fitness trainer and a lifetime drug-free athlete who specializes in Powerlifting Programming. Coach Jim is a 3x USPA Drug-Free National Champion and has set records on the state, national and world level. He is an ACE certified personal trainer and a certified powerlifting coach and holds specialties in power and strength programming, senior fitness and nutrition. In training, Coach Jim utilizes several different and proven scientific techniques to optimize training which includes Stimulus-Fatigue Ratios, Directed Adaptation, Accommodating Resistance, Overloading Principles and Velocity-Based training methods. He believes in Personalized Programming for Peak Performance and individualizes each athlete's training program to maximize results.

He has been involved in several powerlifting federations and has been a Meet Director and Officiant at the highest levels. He is recognized as an expert in squat, bench and deadlift technique and has coached several champions in multiple age, gender and weight classes.

Coach Jim has been married to Sandi for over 30 years. He is the father of three and PopPop to four. He is a Desert Storm Veteran and a retired LEO. Besides fitness, Jim wears the hats of Pastor, Counselor and Chaplain and faithfully serves the Lord Jesus Christ in his ministries.

Get in Contact!

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to reach out. I will do my best to fully inform you!

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Office location

Bethel, PA

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(410) 596-0038

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[email protected]
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